Call 04 920 4562 during our opening hours. Patients registered with our online patient portal Manage My Health (MMH) can make appointments online.
Standard appointments are 15 minutes duration. Please let the receptionist know when you make your appointment if you will require more time than this.
Insurance Medicals require a 30 minute appointment.
The Nurse Clinics run weekdays and Saturday mornings and are available only by appointment.
Our extended evening hours on Mondays through Thursdays offer an opportunity to make an appointment with a doctor at a time to suit your needs.

On Saturdays, Two doctors rostered on from 9am to 12pm for urgent/acute appointments.
Appointments can only made on the day. Our phone lines open at 8.30am.
These appointments incur an extra charge and are 15 minutes long.
When Karori Medical Centre is closed you can get free advice from a Nurse at Healthline on 0800 611 116.
You can see a Doctor at the Wellington Afterhours Medical Centre between 8.00am to 9.00pm. This is a drop in service- you don’t need to make an appointment.
If you need to see a Doctor between 9.00pm and 8.00am please go to the Emergency Department at Wellington Public Hospital.
We are unable to give medical advice, take repeat prescriptions or make appointments via email. If you query is urgent please ring the Practice rather than sending an email.