Repeat prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions, if requested via scriptline or by calling the centre are $31. If requesting a repeat prescription via the Manage My Health portal the fee is reduced to $27.

Please allow 48 hours turn around time for routine repeat prescriptions to be actioned.

Urgent same day prescription requests are $37.

Prescriptions are free for enrolled patients under 14 years of age. Repeat prescriptions for patients aged 14-17 years are $27.

Free Consultations for Patients

FREE Sexual Health Consultations for patients under 20 years of age

FREE Maternity Care for New Zealand Residents

FREE Childhood Immunisations for patients under 18 years of age for vaccines under the National Immunisation Schedule


A fee may be charged if an appointment is missed or cancelled without 24 hours notice.

All costs in relation to the collection of overdue fees will be added to your account.

All fees stated are for an individual GP consultation, regrdless if it is a follow-up appointment for a recurring issue, or to discuss test results.

An appointment is designated for one person.

We reserve the right to charge additional fees for a longer consultation.

There may be an additional charge for the preparation of medical reports and pre-approval applications for insurance companies.

Medical supplies and material costs are additional to the consultation fees.

This list is not exhaustive, other services may attract additional charges. Please contact us if you require more information.

Paying  your fees

Commencing September 9th 2024 our expectation is that all consultations in the practice are paid for on the day, immediately following your appointment with us.

Any consultation fee that is not settled on the day will incur an additional $10 charge and a statement reflecting this will be emailed to the account holder.

We will accept a regular automatic payment arrangement from those patients not able to pay in full on the day. This will not incur the additional $10 charge. Please speak with reception immediately following your appointment if you wish to set this up.

If paying by internet banking, please Direct Credit to:
Name of Bank Account: Karori Medical Centre Ltd
Bank Account Number: 02-0500-0652822-02 (or 002 for three digit suffix)

Please include your Name, Chart number and Reference number so we can match the payment against your account.

We accept cash, eftpos, Visa and Mastercard at Reception.

Casual and Visiting Patients

All casual and visiting patients are required to pay on the day.

Doctors Consultation Fees

Fees below are for consultations within usual business hours. Additional charges will be incurred for non-standard consultations.

These fees are effective from 15 July 2024

Enrolled Patients Under 14 14 – 17 yrs 18 – 24 yrs 25 – 64 yrs 65 plus
Consultation – Monday to Friday (15 min) Free $51 $75 $75 $68
Consultation – Saturday (10 min) Free $71 $95 $95 $89
ACC Consultation – Monday to Friday (materials  extra) Free $51 $69 $69 $69
ACC Consultation – Saturday (10 min) Free $71 $89 $89 $89
Home Visit $293 $293 $293 $293 $293
Home Visit – ACC $293 $293 $293 $293 $293
Routine Rest Home Visit $110 $110 $110 $110 $110
Non Routine Rest Home Visit $293 $293 $293 $293 $293
Enrolled Patients with a Community Services Card Under 14 14 – 17 yrs 18 – 24 yrs 25 – 64 yrs 65 plus
Consultation – Monday to Friday (15 min) Free $13.00 $19.50 $19.50 $19.50
Consultation – Saturday (10 min) Free $33.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
ACC Consultation – Monday to Friday (materials  extra) Free $13.00 $19.50 $19.50 $19.50
ACC Consultation – Saturday (10 min) Free $33.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
Repeat prescriptions (+ $5 if mailed) Free $13.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00
Casual Patients Age 0 – 13 14 – 17 yrs 18 plus
Consultation – Monday to Friday (15 min) $84 $105 $120
Consultation – Saturday (10 min) $104 $125 $140
ACC Consultation – Monday to Friday (materials  extra) $47 $79 $79
ACC Consultation – Saturday (10 min) $67 $99 $99
Casual Patients with Community Service Cards Age 0 – 13 14- 17 yrs 18 plus
Consultation – Monday to Friday (15 min) $62 $95 $105
Consultation – Saturday (10 min) $82 $115 $125
ACC Consultation – Monday to Friday (materials  extra) Free $45 $51
ACC Consultation – Saturday (10 min) Free $65 $71
Non NZ Patients who are not entitled to NZ Government Subsidised Healthcare
Consultation – Monday to Friday (15 min) $120
Consultation – Saturday (10 min) $140
ACC Consultation – Monday to Friday (materials  extra) $79
ACC Consultation – Saturday (10 min) $99

Casual and Non NZ Patients are required to pay on the day of consultation.

Nursing Services
Nurse consult $41
Nurse consult age under 14 Free for enrolled patients
Ear Microsuctioning $70
24 hour BP $116
Blood pressure series $58
ECG $65
HPV Cervical Screening Swab +$6 if speculum exam required $44
CVRA $44
Pregnancy test $41
Removal of sutures & staples put in by KMC FREE
Removal of stitches $52
Removal of Staples $70
Spirometry $72
Immunisation & Injection charges
Stamaril (Yellow Fever) $135
Bexsero (Meningococcal gp B) $139
Boostrix $46
RSV Arexvy $380
Engerix adult Hep B $33
Gardasil 9 (to protect against HPV) $240
Havrix 1440 Avaxim (Adult) $94
Havrix 720 (junior) $55
Hepatyphrix/ Vivaxim $183
Polio adult travel $83
Menactra $133
Nimenrix $115
Pneumovax (Pneumococcal disease from 2 years and adults) $92
Prevenar (Pneumococcal disease in children 6 weeks to 9 years) $242
Rabies $179
Typherix / Typhim $85
Twinrix adult $87
Varilrix chicken pox $72
Shingrix $359

Each visit incurs a nurse charge of $41.

This charge applies to all patients of all ages.

Immunisation charges must be paid either before or on the day of immunisation

Influenza Vaccine Charges

*  There is a charge of $40 for those patients not eligible for a free flu vaccination.
 The unfunded Fluad Quad vaccine for over 65’s has a cost of $60